Jamie,  a drummer by trade has been performing professionally for over 45 years. His craft comes from a steady background in the music business. " My music has it's own organic form and natural touch" More than one person has described his craft as super natural. He says "My show is simply a visual soundtrack of my singing and showmanship as a performer on stage".

 Jamie is one of the thousands TBA's around the world but is unique in the fact that he records most of his tribute songs by himself in his private studio. Additionally all the backup vocals are re-arranged to fit the style of his percussive sounding orchestra. Because of today's recording software,  Jamie is able to record and perform any song that is requested. Unfortunately this is not possible for most tribute artist's. "This gives me the ability to keep a recurring audience always happy as there are so many requests during a show".

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A member of the "International Association Of Elvis Tribute Artist's"